
5 Local Wisdom of the Tengger Tribe You Should Know, Take Note!

04 September 2024
Blog Author David Junior

Did you know that Mount Bromo offers captivating scenery and a cultural heritage? Mount Bromo is a place where the Tenggerese people or Tengger tribe live. The Tengger Tribe is renowned for having strong indigenous knowledge. 

They preserve their ancestors' customs and live in peace with the environment. The Tengger Tribe's adherence to Hinduism influences many facets of their existence, including customs and daily activities.

For visitors to the mountain, stopping by the village would provide them with a fresh perspective and distinctive entertainment. Furthermore, throughout the trip, you can learn more about them, including the local wisdom of the Tengger tribe. 

This article will give you more information about the local wisdom of the Tengger tribe, so check this out!

An Overview of Tengger Tribe

The Tengger tribe or Tenggerese people is the native to Bromo Tengger Semeru highland. Tengger is the second-smallest ethnic group native to Indonesia's Java island, mostly residing on the steep sides of a sizable volcanic crater in the Tengger Mountains. 

Tenggerese people are thought to be the only remaining examples of the later (about 1500 CE) Hindu-Buddhist Majapahit empire. The climate and high elevation make it hard for the Tengger to grow rice, which is a main crop in Indonesia. They raise a few buffalo and plant potatoes, onions, cabbage, and corn in a two-season year. 

The Tengger tribe is famous for its ceremonial culture, such as the Kasada ceremony. Held annually in the month of Kasada (which often coincides with the full moon in June), this event honors the ancestors and Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa. The Tengger tribe presents offerings to Mount Bromo's crater as part of this tradition.

Aside from the breathtaking scenery, tourists find that the Tengger tribe is a compelling incentive to visit Bromo Mountain. They won't pass up the chance to visit the local villages and spend some time with the tribe.

Local Wisdom of the Tengger Tribe

The Tenggerese people are rich in cultural heritage and see Mount Bromo as their most sacred place. When visiting Mount Bromo, you should know the local wisdom of the Tengger tribe in addition to learning their behavior on site. Below are the local wisdom of the Tengger tribe you should know. 

1. Tenggerese People Wear Traditional Javanese Attire

The first local wisdom of the Tengger tribe is they wear traditional Javanese clothing, such as kebaya and sarong, daily. 

In addition, the Tenggerese have many traditional costumes that they wear to festivals and weddings. These outfits frequently feature elaborate needlework and vibrantly colored textiles.

2. Tengger Tribe Celebrate Hari Raya Karo

Aside from the Kasada ceremony, they also celebrate Hari Raya Karo on the 15th Karo month in Saka year. This ceremony honors Roro Anteng and Joko Seger, two members of Hyang Widi Wasa, and serves as a means of self-purification for the Tengger Tribe.

During the ceremony, which is conducted in the Ngadisari Village Hall, the Tenggerese people perform the Sodoran Dance, which has become a part of their culture and history. It represents the beginning of humanity. 

The Tengger tribe believed that as humans descended from Sang Hyang Widi Wasa, they would eventually return to Him.

3. Tengger Tribe’s Unan-Unan

The next local wisdom of the Tengger tribe is Unan-Unan. To show their appreciation to nature for providing them with life for so long, the Tengger people held Unan-Unan in the form of buffalo head offerings.

Since buffalo are thought to have been the first animal to come on Earth, the Tenggerese people give buffalo as sacrifices. This is a centuries-old custom that continues to be viable today.

4. The Tengger Tribe Speak a Distinctive Javanese Dialect

Another local wisdom of the Tengger tribe is they speak a distinct Javanese dialect, which the great majority of them speak. The lexicon and syntax of Tenggerese are extensive. Its language is likewise incredibly expressive.

5. Tenggerese People’s Traditional Food

Last but not least, the local wisdom of the Tengger tribe you should know is their traditional food. Even though it is hard for them to grow rice, they still eat it as most Indonesians do. Their most popular traditional dishes are Nasi Jagung, Sayur Asem, and grilled fish. 

How to See the Tengger Tribe?

Now that you already know the local wisdom of the Tengger tribe, perhaps you want to see them in real life. To do so, you can visit Mount Bromo. Located in the middle of 4 regencies, you can visit this mountain from Lumajang, Pasuruan, Probolinggo, or Malang. 

Before going to Mount Bromo, it is best to prepare your trip well since the journey may be full of trekking. Regarding this, you can entrust your Mount Bromo adventure to Cheap Bromo! We can pick you up from your desired train station, port, airport, and hotel. Schedule your trip with us now!